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Rainwater Citerns:

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Rainwater citern Industrial construction


The Varitank Flexoline is the ideal solution for collecting rainwater in a concrete rainwater citern for the use of rainwater for toilet flushing, washing machine and garden. The installation of a concrete rainwater citern normally does not go without a struggle, but thanks to the Varitank Flexoline a rain citern is installed in no time. This prefab concrete rainwater citern uses a collapsed PE-rings on which not only shafts fit for manholes but also filter shafts for rainwater filters. There is the special Trident 1650, with a Trident Rainwater filter inside In the filter shaft of the Varitank Flexoline rainwater well. This rainwater filter is based on the latest Trident filter technology and is equipped with automatic filter cleaners. Of course, an optional backflow protection can also be installed. The Trident filter plate is mounted in a removable filter box so that the whole is very easy to remove for cleaning. Finally, the filter shaft of this rainwater citern is rotatable and can be shortened so that leveling to ground level can be carried out very quickly and easily. Ultimately, this rainwater citern is equipped with two lids so that the entire rainwater system is nicely concealed "invisibly". You can also create a design of a rainwater system online via the online GEP rainwater calculation module.